video-assisted patient education

Videos for effective patient education: Tips for integration into patient communication

Anschauliche Darstellungen von medizinischen Eingriffen und Behandlungen erhöhen nachweislich die Compliance von Patient:innen. Patient:innen schneiden bei Wissenstests um ca. 24% besser ab, wenn sie mit audiovisuellen Medien und nicht mit Papierbögen aufgeklärt werden (AniMedical KG, Studienerhebungen mit urologischen Patient:innen höheren Alters, 2013). So stellen 3D-Animationen und Visualisierungen hilfreiche und zeitgemäße Bausteine einer gelungenen Patientenaufklärung und […]

Videos for effective patient education: Tips for integration into patient communication Read more >>

Patient education videos for anesthesia

Educational films offer a clear and accessible overview of upcoming procedures, significantly enhancing patient compliance. The anesthesia informational videos from feature high-quality 3D animations created in collaboration with medical professionals and legal experts, specifically designed for clinical use [...]

Patient education videos for anesthesia

Providing a close look at the patient experience: video-assisted patient education with innovative features can make informational discussions more focused and effective

Digital patient education can offer more than just the electronic distribution and collection of medical history forms. A significant potential lies in combining this with the benefits of an audiovisual presentation of the medical procedure. Furthermore, through a special method [...]

Providing a close look at the patient experience: video-assisted patient education with innovative features can make informational discussions more focused and effective Read more >>

In focus: Digital patient education for anesthesia

The interdisciplinary work in anesthesiology presents specific challenges in patient education, particularly regarding scheduling, local processes, and also, data management and documentation. Given the high number of cases in clinical settings, the highly standardized procedures, and the frequent delegation of educational tasks, it is no surprise that [...]

In focus: Digital patient education for anesthesia

Digitale Patientenaufklärung für die Katarakt-OP (Grauer Star) im Fokus

Mit einer Anzahl von 800.000 Eingriffen in Deutschland und über 100.000 Eingriffen in Österreich (Quelle: Eurostat, Cataract Surgery 2020, letzter Zugriff: 16. August 2023) und ebenso vielen in der Schweiz ( zählt die Operation des grauen Stars (Katarakt) zu den häufigsten Eingriffen in unseren Gesundheitssystemen. Erfahrene Operateure schaffen in spezialisierten Kliniken bis zu 1.000 Operationen

Digitale Patientenaufklärung für die Katarakt-OP (Grauer Star) im Fokus Read more >>


Patient education videos for endoscopy (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP)

Endoscopic procedures such as gastro- or colonoscopies can be effectively visualized. However, to ensure patient compliance, aesthetically appealing representations are particularly important for these examinations, making 3D animations preferable to live-action film portrayals. [...]

Patient education videos for endoscopy (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP) Read more >>