Heinz Neuwirth

Im Fokus: ePRO (electronic Patient Reported Outcomes) für Orthopädie

PROs und PROMs werden in der Orthopädie breit eingesetzt. Mit der ePRO-Lösung von MAIA.tools  können Patient Reported Outcomes für die Orthopädie bzw. im Hinblick auf muskuloskelletale Erkrankungen hochgradig effizient durchgeführt werden. Dabei werden höchste Standards, etwa Mehrpunkterhebungen zu Aufnahme, Entlassung oder beliebigen katamnesischen Zeitpunkten, umgesetzt.  Für Patientinnen und Patienten achten wir auf einen niederschwelligen Zugang (ohne […]

Im Fokus: ePRO (electronic Patient Reported Outcomes) für Orthopädie Read more >>

In focus: Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePRO) for oncology

Die Erfassung der Lebensqualität und des Behandlungserfolges von onkologischen Patientinnen und Patienten spielt eine immer wichtigere Rolle in der Gesundheitsversorgung – mittlerweile gehören entsprechende PROMs in vielen auf die Onkologie spezialisierten Einrichtungen zum Standard. Vorteile von ePRO-Lösungen Die elektronische Abwicklung von PROMs ist zweifellos der arbeits- und kostensparendste Weg, um Onkologiepatient:innen zu ihren Behandlungsergebnissen zu

In focus: Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePRO) for oncology Read more >>

Exploring the applications and benefits of the MAIA platform for quality management in hospitals and clinics

The MAIA platform is a software specifically designed for use in hospitals and clinics, digitally optimizing communication channels between healthcare providers and patients. It offers exciting possibilities for quality management in the healthcare sector. Patient and Employee Surveys With the MAIA platform, any type of questionnaire can be implemented. There are no limits to the design of the questionnaires, allowing for tailored surveys to meet specific needs.

Exploring the applications and benefits of the MAIA platform for quality management in hospitals and clinics Read more >>

MAIA.tool becomes technical partner of the Health Outcomes Observatory (H2O) to deliver ePRO solution

MAIA.tools is now a technical partner of the Health Outcomes Observatory (H2O) in Austria. H2O represents a strategic cross-country partnership that connects the private and public sectors to establish a robust model for gathering and processing data related to electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePROs). On a large scale, patients‘ conditions are measured to later be incorporated into medical decision-making, both on an individual and public level. For further [...]

MAIA.tool becomes technical partner of the Health Outcomes Observatory (H2O) to deliver ePRO solution Read more >>

Videos for effective patient education: Tips for integration into patient communication

Visual representations of medical procedures and treatments significantly increase patient compliance. Patients perform approximately 24 % better on knowledge tests when educated using audiovisual media instead of paper materials (AniMedical KG, study conducted with older urological patients, 2013). Thus, [...]

Videos for effective patient education: Tips for integration into patient communication Read more >>

Electronic patient education for urology

Urological surgeries such as prostatectomy or TURP are among the most common procedures and are explained thousands of times a year. Electronic patient education with modern audiovisual media, integrated patient history forms, electronic signatures and automated documentation can make education processes in clinics and practices more effective and patient-focused. In addition [...]

Electronic patient education for urology

Patient education videos for anesthesia

Educational films offer a clear and accessible overview of upcoming procedures, significantly enhancing patient compliance. The anesthesia informational videos from MAIA.tools feature high-quality 3D animations created in collaboration with medical professionals and legal experts, specifically designed for clinical use [...]

Patient education videos for anesthesia

PROMs and patient-centricity – for patients a matter of communication quality

Undoubtedly, surveys like PROMs (Patient Reported Outcome Measures) focus on patient well-being and, by definition, serve as a tool that centers around people. However, used as mundane paper questionnaires or sterile online surveys, they often fail to meet this expectation - from a patient’s perspective. This is not only unfortunate but also a missed opportunity, since targeted improvements can shape Patient Reported Outcomes in a way that allows patients to understand [...]

PROMs and patient-centricity – for patients a matter of communication quality Read more >>


Patient education videos for endoscopy (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP)

Endoscopic procedures such as gastro- or colonoscopies can be effectively visualized. However, to ensure patient compliance, aesthetically appealing representations are particularly important for these examinations, making 3D animations preferable to live-action film portrayals. [...]

Patient education videos for endoscopy (gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP) Read more >>

Entfernung einen Stilpolypen mit dem Endoskop

In focus: Digital patient education for colonoscopy

Colonoscopy screenings for cancer and other bowel diseases are performed thousands of times a year in specialized centers, clinics, and practices, making them one of the most common medical procedures. For facilities with high patient volumes, two key challenges arise: the time-intensive nature of organizational and administrative processes, and the ability to address patients’ individual questions, concerns, and needs, especially given the large number of [...]

In focus: Digital patient education for colonoscopy