Next level patient education
How does MAIA work?
Our platforms for electronic informed consent offer the greatest advantages if they are connected to the hospital information system (HIS). In this way, links for accessing the platform can be sent automatically and the completed documentation / medical history can be transferred back to the medical facility.
Take a look at how informed consent can be improved with MAIA!

1. Start after making an appointment
Patients arrange their treatment with the clinic/practice. Ideally, MAIA will be integrated with the PMS/HIS. This allows patient education materials to be distributed without further manual intervention.
Patients receive a personalized link to their patient information, timely and fully automated before their consultation at the clinic/practice.
1. Start after making an appointment
Patients arrange their treatment with the clinic/practice. Ideally, MAIA will be integrated with the PMS/HIS. This allows patient education materials to be distributed without further manual intervention.
Patients receive a personalized link to their patient information, timely and fully automated before their consultation at the clinic/practice.

2. Information at home or anywhere you want
2. Information at home or anywhere you want
Mit der MAIA-Plattform konsumieren sie dann selbständig alle Informationen zum Eingriff und füllen die Anamnese oder andere Fragebögen aus. Das Produktpaket enthält eigene Filme zur Behandlung, sowie zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen.
Alle Filme sind auf Deutsch, Serbisch, Türkisch und Englisch verfügbar, zusätzliche Sprachversionen stellen wir auf Wunsch für Sie zur Verfügung.
Alle Informationen sind für die jeweilige typische Altersgruppe zugeschnitten und leicht verständlich aufbereitet.

3. Back at the clinic
3. Back at the clinic

4. Secure and comprehensive documentation
MAIA transfers several documents to the HIS:
- Complete documentation with all time stamps and signatures and documentation of any interaction between the patient and the platform. This serves as legal evidence of the information provided.
- A one-page summary of the information provided for doctors. Electronic consent form and documentation are created by the system and stored in the patient file.
4. Secure and comprehensive documentation
MAIA transfers several documents to the HIS:
- Complete documentation with all time stamps and signatures and documentation of any interaction between the patient and the platform. This serves as legal evidence of the information provided.
- A one-page summary of the information provided for doctors. Electronic consent form and documentation are created by the system and stored in the patient file.

For health professionals
Doctors are professionals in dealing with the worries and concerns of their patients. Administrative activities, outdated procedures and processes such as cross-clinic data exchange or ever new legal requirements take up a lot of time in the daily workflow. MAIA supports doctors and specialists in informing their patients, but above all in documenting these processes.
MAIA can effectively reduce manual activities. The content provided by MAIA is combined by the system on an individual and case-related basis. The flow of information can be evaluated qualitatively thanks to the automated collection of numerous data points. Legally compliant documentation and archiving is carried out without additional effort. Users also have access to precise reports on the effectiveness of the tool.
For your patients
MAIA guides patients through the process of informed consent and medical history. The content, developed together with leading health professionals, is easy to understand thanks to its simple visual language and is available in many languages. Our multimedia content has been proven to raise patient understanding and compliance.
MAIA has excellent accessibility and usability for patients, which we continuously evaluate with studies on the use of digital content and media in a context- and cohort-specific manner, especially with regard to age and language socialization.
82% of the 1942-51 cohorts are "onliners". The user rate of persons born before that time still exceeds 50% (source: SIM-Studie 2021). For elderly persons, intuitive usability is particularly important. And the chance to use their own familiar device may help a lot.
Independence from time, place and specific devices ensures that content can be consumed within familiar structures and routines.
Our most popular packages

- Preoperative outpatient clinic
- Introduction
- General anesthesia
- Epidural anesthesia
- Spinal anesthesia
- Axillary Plexus anesthesia
- Interscalene Plexus anesthesia
- Femoral block
- Risks + side effects

- Radical prostatectomy
- Da Vinci
- Educational film ureterorenoscopy
- TURB (M+F)
- Risks + side effects

- Cataract surgery
- Pre-existing illnesses and other factors
- Intravitreale operative Medikamentenapplikation (IVOM)
- Risks + side effects

Better education through animations and modern multimedia content

Questionnaires for anamnesis, PROMs, follow-up care or medical trials

Outsourcing of processes from clinic to patients' home
(just-in-time principle)

Data security through integration into clinic systems